Support from some of the top technical specialists in the implementation and integration of HSM Solutions.
Nuestro equipo multidisciplinario está conformado por especialistas en desarrollo, software, criptografía, seguridad de información e infraestructura, enfocados a la implementación e integración de HSM tanto físicos como en la nube, proporcionando a cada cliente un servicio integral, ayudando a resolver cualquier inconveniente que pudiera presentarse relacionado con su dispositivo hasta lograr una implementación exitosa al HSM Cloud® by CEGA Security.
It has been validated in accordance with FIPs 140-2 Level 3
Customized Plans of Use
Scale your transactions On Demand
What does that mean? It means that your service has no limit! Regardless of the plan you choose to carry out your operations, in the event that the amount of transactions in your plan is exceeded, the service will automatically escalate and provide you with the transactionality you require without having to purchase an extra package, and only paying the exceeding transactions during your peak transaction period.
Ya no tendrás que preocuparte sobre si tu HSM es capaz de soportar o no la carga de nuevos clientes, prospectos u oportunidades, con HSM Cloud® by CEGA Security garantizamos altos niveles de desempeño sin que tu aplicación se vea interrumpida, escalando el servicio de manera automática.
It can be migrated from a physical HSM
Support in English and Spanish
Hosted in Data Centers with the Highest Security Standards
These data centers have all the necessary measures to prevent connectivity problems and cover all the requirements requested by the authorities like SAT (Secretaria de Administración Tributaria) such as: air conditioning and electricity redundancy, fire control, among others.
Auditable Infrastructure
Next generation devices
Low implementation time
We have infrastructure with immediate availability for projects that require very short implementation times.
Elimination of maintenance cost
Al adquirir cualquier plan de nuestro HSM Cloud® by CEGA Security, las actualizaciones, administración, mantenimiento y soporte van por nuestra cuenta para garantizar la funcionalidad y rendimiento de los equipos y entregarte una solución con tecnología llave en mano que te permita enfocarte 100% en tu negocio.