HSM Cloud® by CEGA Security

FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Certification

If you are interested in migrating your HSM infrastructure to a cloud, we have the best solution for you.

Implement our HSM as a Service Solution and integrate into the following infrastructures:
HSM Cloud
En CEGA Security llevamos más de 8 años implementando dispositivos Hardware Security Module en Latinoamérica y nuestra amplia experiencia en este rubro, nos ha permitido ir incrementando nuestro catálogo de marcas y productos a lo largo de estos años. Así como el mundo digital ha ido cambiando, nuestras soluciones han ido también evolucionando.

Initially, the most common way to acquire an HSM device was through the purchase of such device, which would imply an investment in equipment, training of personnel to configure the device, and hiring a data center to install the equipment and start the operations. In some cases, this method also involved extra costs for modules that are required by the solution, which in turn would considerably raise the price.

Use Cases

Hace un par de años y tomando en cuenta el entorno digital al que todas las industrias han ido migrando, empezamos a trabajar en nuestra solución en la nube, HSM Cloud® by CEGA Security, una propuesta innovadora y a la medida, que pudiera ser utilizada para diferentes casos de uso, como por ejemplo: Facturación Electrónica, Infraestructura PKI, Code Signing, Firma Digital, Timestamp, Encripción de Datos, entre otros.
HSM Cloud
One of the biggest advantages that we offer at CEGA Security, is that with prior notice,
the infrastructure can be audited
in any of the data centers where our devices are stored around the globe. One of our representatives will be glad to assist any of your technical needs during the audit.


Entre algunos de los principales beneficios del HSM Cloud® by CEGA Security podemos destacar:
HSM Cloud by CEGA Security  - Especialistas

Support from Specialists for HSM implementation and integration.

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security  - FIPS 140-2 nivel 3

It has been validated in accordance with FIPs 140-2 Level 3

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security  - Planes

Customized Plans of Use

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security  - Migración

It can be migrated from a physical HSM

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security  - Soporte en español e inglés

Support in English and Spanish

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security  - Transacciones escalables

Scale your transactions On Demand

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security - Dispositivos de última generación

Next generation devices

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security - Data centers con altos estándares

Hosted in Data Centers with the Highest Security Standards

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security - Infraestructura auditable

Auditable Infrastructure

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security - Bajo tiempo de implementación

Low implementation time

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security - Elimina costos de mantenimiento

Elimination of maintenance cost

HSM Cloud by CEGA Security - Entrega en días, no en semanas!

Service delivery in days not weeks!

HSM Cloud
La solución HSM Cloud® by CEGA Security, cuenta con Hardware Security Modules con Certificación FIPS 140-2 Nivel 3, que se encuentran hosted in ICREA 4 and ICREA 5 certified data centers in Mexico.

These certified data centers have all the necessary measures to prevent connectivity problems.

Interfaces de Programación de Aplicaciones (API)
  • PKCS#11
  • JAVA Cryptography Extension (JCE)
  • Microsoft Crypto API (CSP), Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) and SQL Extensible Key Management (SQLEKM)
  • Cryptographic eXtended services Interface (CXI), the high-performance interface that these teams have, guarantees easy integration of cryptographic functionality in client applications.
Security, protection, Environmental Compliance
  • FIPS 140-2 Nivel 3 y CC EAL4+
  • CE, FCC Class B
  • UL, IEC / EN 60950-1
  • CB certificate
Cryptographic Algorithms
  • RSA, DSA, ECDSA con curvas NIST and Brainpool
  • DH, ECDH con curvas NIST and Brainpool
  • AES, Triple-DES, DES
  • SHA-1, Familia-SHA2, SHA3, RIPEMD
  • Hash-based Deterministic Random Number Generator (DRNG)
  • True Random Number Generator (TRNG according to AIS31 class PTG.2)
  • All algorithms are included in the price of the product
Como verás, el HSM Cloud® by CEGA Security es un servicio integral, por lo que, además de adquirir la solución, adquieres todo el conocimiento que nuestros técnicos especializados han adquirido con cada una de nuestras implementaciones.
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